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Cooking Cables with PTFE - a Tour of Straight Wire, Inc. and an AV Cable Factory

08-08-2020 | By Juan C. Ayllon | Issue 110

How effective is our System Analysis / Straight Wire Bespoke

Specific personalized analysis.  Here is what an industry expert had to say:

Straight Wire Audio System Evaluation Process Review

By:  | May 2017


Straightwire USB-Link

This well-made, great-sounding USB cable is a relative bargain,
delivering outstanding dynamics, timbral fidelity, and transparency.

Straight Wire USB-Link
Straightwire USB-Link




2002 – DVA – digital, audio, video premium coax

2003- SUPER QUAD premium, code rated speaker cable  

2004- SILVER BUNDLE – 5 silver coax + 2 Cat5e

2005- SDMI – Premium silver HDMI

2006 – MCAIPOD- mini1/8” – 2 RCA cable

2007-CHORUS II – coax interconnect

2008- PUSH PRONG – solderless  RCA & BNC system



2003 – SUPER QUAD premium, speaker cable

2004 – ENCORE 6 channel interconnect

2008 – PUSH PRONG – solderless  RCA & BNC system






  • New Cables from Straight Wire Include Locking High-Speed ... - CE Pro

  • Straight Wire's Steven Hill Unplugs at AXPONA 2015

  • VIDEO HI-FI MAGAZINE (ITALY) - 2010 - Francesco Bollorino interview with Steven Hill of Straight Wire

  • CONTROL + CABLE - Interview - March 2010
    (PDF opens in new window)

  • STRAIGHT WIRE PHILOSOPHY - By CE Pro Editors, May 03, 2010
  • Steven Hill


    Straight Wire Crescendo II
    Crescendo from Music Emotion issue Feb. 2012 by Jan de Jeu.

    The Legend Returns.

    What are the best-known cable brands? Brands that reserve great part of their budget for marketing. Are they always the best brands, you may ask. The answer is not necessarily; since in the evaluation of quality (thankfully) other criteria count.

    A True Legend

    Such well-known and often expensive cable brand usually has a Website that looks slick and is also kept up to date very frequently. Everywhere on the net and in the audio magazines you will to see great pictures from their products. Their cables are sold in packages that induce a sense of 'greed' with the potential buyer and of course with some regularity a new - and usually more expensive - cable (line) is added to the existing package. Because the brands are so strongly represented in the media you would almost forget that there are other serious cable manufacturers. Such as the American Straight Wire that after a long absence since recently again has a Dutch importer. In my experience, this brand is "A true legend”. This company, founded more than twenty years ago,  produced top cables even before some of today’s biggest brands did not even exist. All that time they continued to fine-tune their cables. I do not know how far your history as audiophile goes back in time but in my case that period includes several decades. Of some of the components that I owned over the years most I can remember is the brand name. But when remembering my first 'serious' audio cables I know both brand and type. I remember like yesterday replacing my standard copper interlinks and speaker cables with - also made from copper - Straight Wire Encore pieces. Not at once, of course, but gradually. First the interlinks and then the speaker cables. Literally – pardon the cliché – a world opened up. Of course better types were imaginable - in particular the Maestro recently removed from the line now comes up to me - but they were inaccessible to me then. As far as I can remember Straight Wire rarely advertised then and that still is the case. That is clearly not the priority of this cable manufacturer. Many of the previous names for the various cable lines - including Encore - are still used, although now there is often a ‘II’ version.


      Music emotion

    The Benefits of Premium Cables


    Cabling is one of the industry's most controversial and undersold categories.
    By Robert Archer, CE PRO May 10, 2010

    The electronics industry has always offered a handful of controversial product categories. Cabling is at the top of that list. Proponents say premium cabling helps maintain signal integrity and offers more long-term reliability than cheaper products. Detractors say the science behind cabling is sketchy and that there's no proof premium cabling delivers higher performance and reliability. Many dealers find themselves in the middle of this debate, in the position of proposing a product category some clients may find dubious while trying to ensure the performance and longevity of their systems. Here are some benefits of selling premium cable.

    Ensuring Reliability

    Hollywood, Fla.-based Straight Wire is a manufacturer of premium cabling products, including everything from HDMI and RCA cables to speaker cables and CL-rated, field terminable custom installation cables. Straight Wire president Steven Hill says one of the biggest reasons CE Pros should use premium cabling is that manufacturers ensure their products perform as advertised.




    All about Straight Wire

    Straight Wire was founded by Steven Hill and is one of the more well known audiophile and home theater speaker cable and interconnect cable companies in the marketplace today. The company's motto is: "When System Performance Comes Down to the Wire"

    Notable products include the Straight Wire Crescendo II, which has an "advanced helix array" of different conductors, and is claimed to have the lowest resistance of any interconnect. Also notable is the award winning MP-3/I-POD cable that connects any personal media device to your receiver. Straight Wire's Super HDMI Cable is promised to work out to 52.5 feet, which is longer than many.


    home theatre


    CHORUS IC reviews found at Audioreview - a well-known
    USA based website for HiFi & AV enthusiasts


    Reviewed by:  Dean Fernando from London
    5 of 5


    This interconnect really made me notice the difference between freebie interconnectes and what is especially striking is the performance given the relative price. It really does make you wonder why pay more for more expensive interconnects. Music has more solidity, fluidity and a very enticing sound that is exciting while the top end remains sweet and never sounds harsh. Another important detail I noticed is that the bass has exceptional punch with vitually no over-hang. It's impact literally travels through you which is notably absent with lesser interconnects.


    Sweet and seductive sound generally - Exceptionally deep, tightly controlled bass - Clear transparent liquid treble.


    Really there isn't anything I can think of.



    Reviewed by: T L (Audio Enthusiast) from US
    OVERALL RATING: 5 of 5


    People, This is truly Surreal, makes the the music come alive without any coloration and unnaturalness. Probably the best Cable out there at its price point and higher. This cable has one of the highest IMPEDIANCE load, so I do not if this is the reason for its great sound. My Equipment: Marantz SR7300 ose 6.1 Receiver Denon POA 2200 Precision Optical Amp Acoustic Research "venerable" 302's F Canton Nestor Center Mirage FRX ones Surrounds Adire Audio Rava Powered Subwoofer Pioneer 414 DVD Onkyo Intergra C606 CD Dual Vintage Turntable


    Build Quaility, warm, but accurate, tight controlled low-end





    Reviewed by: Steve in Az (AudioPhile) from US
    OVERALL RATING: 5 or 5 .


    The Chorus really impresses me with its nuetral/ever so slightly warm character. It has all the fullness of a stranded cable, but maintains the intricate detail of a solid core. Midrange is just absolutely perfect; strings sound plucked, but not artificial, voices are full without being nasal. Bass is rendered in a deep yet very controlled/accurate manner. You can almost feel the coloration of the wood used in the instrument^^a tube-like quality. Extremely intoxicating.


    bsolute tonal accuracy CoAntrolled yet warm Brings out the "character" of the instruments





    Reviewed by: rsmcphee (AudioPhile) from (Tucs) US
    OVERALL RATING: 5 of 5


    Before I get into this review, let me share my system (atleast you know what I used the cable with): Receiver: Onkyo TXDS797 THX certified Amplifier (for bi-amp purpose): Outlaw 750 5- channel amp. Speakers: 5.1 set up Wharfedale Pi-40 mains Pi-center, Pi-10 surround Sub: Infinity HPS1000 (1000 watts powered) I recommend these audio interconnect. These cables sounded warm, no sign of harshness. They produce good tight bass and convincing vocals. The treble comes out very natural. For the price, I believe that these are definitely the audio interconnect to buy. By the way, in What HiFI Magazine, these received the great reviews. Furthermore, they were highly recommended in the 1998 awards of the magazine.


    Details, good clean bass, gorgeous vocals


    none that I can hear



    Review by G man ( A ) on January 28, 2005

    I have had a 1 mtr balanced pair of these ICs in my system for around 2 months now. As with other cables in my system or that I have tried, I was basically looking for a cable that was well made and that would allow the best the system was capable of through. Other cables in various locations that it would be compared against were the LAT International IC-100 (current version), Acoustic Zen WOW, and Shunyata Aries.

    I basically went this route because Straight Wire almost insisted that I would be happiest with the Serenade, or that it was their best model for my system. It certainly is not their most expensive, so I was a little dubious, fearing that it, like other more reasonably priced cables I had tried, would not be any better or good enough. Luckily, their advice was warranted and the Serenade has worked out nicely.

    Initially, I used it between my preamplifier and amplifier, replacing a balanced pair of AZ WOW. The IC between the CD player and preamp remained the balanced pair of Aries. I have not noticed any significant change in character of the Serenade over time, but that is just fine. Compared to the WOW, it was not much of a contest according to my criteria. Starting with the tonality, the system took on a more natural portrayal of presentation and sound. Instruments and vocals sounded different and to my ears, more correct and natural. I suppose in some cases this could be referred to as timbre too.

    There was less of an electronic, and more of a musical bent to the sound. If it were not for the increased overall resolution and frequency extreme performance, I might have thought it was coloring or covering up the sound. But I can hear more resolution through the midrange, both with vocals, as with Nora Jones, can just hear more of what is making the sound of her voice, and with instruments such as an acoustic guitar, where I am getting the initial string, but also the vibration of the string and resonance in the body. And none of it is thrust just sounds more right.

    Listening to piano, the attack on the strings and resultant overtones sound better too. Cymbals have less of a brashness, yet more detail. On the low end, the bass was less prominent overall. Still actual extension was easily stronger, and I actually heard tone and resonance down there for the first time. I would have to conclude that the WOW has a midbass bump in it, or its electrical properties produce that characteristic in my system. The WOW is a good cable for the money, but in my system the Serenade is much better for not much more.

    The comparison to the much more expensive Shunyata Aries was too difficult. The only audible difference I can pick up on so far is the tone or timbre. The Serenade seems to produce a more pleasing or natural sound in my system. But to me, that means that the Serenade, overall, is probably a better match to my system than the Aries. But other than that, any other differences between the two appear beyond the performance envelope of my system.



    User Reviews

    Submitted by bobbynob a AudioPhile from 

    Date Reviewed: March 22, 2004

    Bottom Line:   

    This review is for the current version (2004) of Straight Wire Virtuoso "R" interconnect. I paid $215 for a 0.5 meter pair with locking RCA connectors. 

    I have tried a number of moderately-priced interconnects lately, including Kimber Hero, Bel, Kimber KCAG, Silver Audio Hyacinth, and TG Audio HSR. All of these left something to be desired in my system. 

    A few weeks ago, a friend loaned me a very old version of Straight Wire Virtuoso Platinum. This turned out to be the best interconnect I had tried to date: very detailed and transparent, but just a tad too bright. I took a chance and ordered a new pair of Virtuoso "R". From the minute I tried it in my system, I knew this was the interconnect I had been looking for. Virtuoso R, in my system, seems perfectly neutral, with the  best transparency and detail that I have experienced. Honestly, as hard as I try (and I am normally very critical of any faults I hear in cables) I can't find any thing to fault in Virtuoso R. 

    My system for stereo listening now consists of the following, listed in order from sources to speakers: 
    Rotel RCD-1072 CD player 
    Sony C555ES SACD player 
    Straight Wire Virtuoso R interconnects 
    McCormack MAP-1 multichannel pre-amp 
    TG Audio HSR interconnects 
    Conrad Johnson Sonographe SA400 amp 
    Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista speaker cables (bi-wired) 
    B&W Matrix 802 Series 2 speakers (modified by disabling auto protect circuit, for better clarity)



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